Simit a.k.a. Turkish Bagel
For years that I lived in Turkey, simit was my everyday breakfast when I was running to school or to work. Street vendors sell it in every corner of the cities or they walk through street by yelling “simiiiiit, sicak taze simiiit, gevrek simiit” meaning freshly baked,...

Red lentil and bulgur köfte
Legumes are a staple in Turkish cuisine; lentils, chickpeas, all kind of dried beans are on everyday menus for home cooks to feed their families well even with a tight budget. They are a significant source of protein, fiber and more, and they are delicious! Legumes...

Yogurt my love!!
Did you know that I use about 40kg (90lb) yogurt per week in two restaurants? Yogurt is a Turkish word! It’s one of the rare contributions of Turkish language to the world. Yogurt is quintessential food in my life as in millions of Turkish people! In Turkey, natural...

Two years ago, my husband, my daughter and I traveled to the southeast of Turkey! This region is the birthplace of kebabs (heaven for carnivores) and flat breads, capital of pistachio, baklava, pomegranate and apricot. I wanted to write about this trip for a while and...